Bruce Willis

Actor, Filmmaker

Net Worth:


Bruce has just listed one of his Die Hard casas for sale. He’s expecting to net a whopping $22 million. Lets see what this house is all about. For starters, the pad is a 5 bedroom and 3 bath, with 6 extra bedrooms. The house is 10,379 sq ft and was built in 1928. The premises is secure with walls and a gate. Garage seems as though you can have a mini car sale! The house is equipped with a personal tennis court. The front of the house seems fit for a wedding, with the lengthy elegant walkway and beautifully-maintained grass. There’s also a front patio for alternative seating (for ginormous parties). You’ll find yourself in a nicely furnished hallway (a table with two red-striped chairs on opposite ends of the table) after walking through the main glass wooden door.

As you navigate your way deeper into the mini mansion of awesomeness, you may find yourself in a fairly sized courtyard. In the middle lies an antique-looking fountain, yet it compliments the overall look and feel of the courtyard. There are two kitchen areas on site, a main and basic. The main kitchen is equipped with two sets of stovetops and two ovens (all conjoined into one piece) with a restaurant-style vent placed above the cooking section. Basic kitchen serves as a secondary dining area. Both kitchens come with a long rectangular table with sinks installed and protruding in the middle and are designed in a way where one end next to the sink serves as a table for three. How cool is that!

Accompanying the kitchens are two living rooms. One is larger and positively sophisticated with decorated flooring and a fireplace. The second one gives off a classy feel, classy enough for the Dos Equis guy to film a commercial there!

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