Eddie Murphy

Actor, Entertainer

Net Worth:


Eddie Murphy, Academy Award winning actor, has owned this Beverly Hills mansion since 2001.

Eddie Murphy house sits on over 3 acres and features a stunning pool, tennis court and lots of palm trees. Eddie Murphy’s house looks more like a hotel resort than a house. Some of Murphy’s close neighbors include Denzel Washington, Barry Bonds, Rod Stewart, and Sumner Red stone. The 32 room mansion includes ten bedrooms, seventeen bathrooms, special play area for his children, a two-story library and a bowling alley.

Eddie Murphy’s house property taxes alone for this property for 2011 were a whopping $250,000.

To tour celebrity homes in Beverly Hills and the surrounding areas, book one of the Starline Tours of Hollywood or purchase a StarMap Movie Star Homes Map & City Guide for a self-guided tour of Los Angeles.

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